Home Page :: Publications :: Property Handbook :: Section 4 :: Hearing Procedure and Request a Hearing Form
In the event that the owner wishes to discuss the allegations with the Board of Directors, the owner must mail or deliver a written request for a hearing to the Association within 10 days from receipt of a notice of enforcement. The following must take place:
If the Owner fails to request a hearing within 10 days of the second enforcement letter - Notice of Intent to Impose an Enforcement Assessment and Revoke Privileges - the right to that hearing is waived, and the enforcement assessment may be imposed.
The Board of Directors is committed to exercising their authority in a fair and impartial manner. The Board members do not serve as detectives, rather they are elected to uphold the provisions contained within the Association’s governing documents with consistency. They may consider special circumstances or decide to proceed with legal action for any violation of the Warranty Deed, Bylaws or Design Standards at their sole discretion following either the hearing requested by the owner or the deadline expiration to request such a hearing. Once the Board has referred the violation to an attorney, all future communications must be directed to the attorney.
In the event that an individual board member has personally witnessed or was personally affected by an alleged violation, that board member assumes the role of a complaining owner and must relinquish his or her role as a decision-maker with respect to that particular matter. Should a board member have any involvement in the matter, he or she must exclude oneself from participating in any discussion, vote or other board business relative to that particular violation to ensure impartiality.
To request a hearing with the Board of Directors, please download, fill out, and email, mail, or bring the following form to the Association office at:
Muirfield Association, Inc.
8372 Muirfield Drive
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Once the form is received, the Muirfield Association will respond in writing to confirm your attendance at the next board meeting.