An updated Muirfield List (sometimes referred to as the Preferred Vendor List) is online. If you're looking for someone reliable that your Muirfield neighbors have recommended, check out the reviews on the list. Residents have made these recommendations and businesses can't buy their way onto the list, so you know you're getting honest information from your Muirfield neighbors. Get the Muirfield List here!
Unfortunately, we are not taking any orders for firewood currently. Our crews did not take down as many trees as they have in the past and the wood from the trees they did take down has not been split.
If we have wood in the future, we will post an update. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
Muirfield Association :: 8372 Muirfield Drive :: Dublin, Ohio, 43017 :: (614) 889-0922
© Muirfield Association, Inc.