Home Page :: Publications :: Property Handbook :: Section 2 :: Storage
The Muirfield Design Control Committee is empowered to protect the natural beauty of the community. Property exteriors must be kept in good condition, free of trash, debris, yard supplies, tools, equipment, sports equipment and other miscellaneous items.
There are a variety of storage and organizational units that can free up space in the garage, making room for storing yard accessories and play equipment. Interior storage does not require an application to the MDCC. Permanent structures, like sheds, utility screens, basketball equipment, trampolines and playsets require approval from the MDCC before locating on the property. All other sports/recreational equipment must be stored inside when not being used.
Larger sports equipment, like lacrosse goals and soccer nets, are difficult to move in and out with use, so the committee has chosen to consider allowing a permanent outside location for them with specific screening and location requirements. Application for these items is available online at: www.muirfieldassociation.com, under the “Design Review” area.
Firewood must be placed in an inconspicuous location at the rear or side yard, stacked neatly and kept in good condition at all times. Firewood cannot be stored at the front of the property or within view from the street. Most properties will not accommodate more than 1 to 1½ cord of stored firewood. To be considered firewood, wood must be of a consistent size commonly used in a moderate-sized fireplace. Logs can be no larger than 8” in diameter. If wood pieces are larger, they must be split and cut into pieces no more than 30” long.