
Home Page :: About Muirfield Village :: Muirfield Village Life :: Activities :: Directions to the Glick Road Pool


Update 2018: It appears Google has fixed this issue. The real address of the Glick Road pool is 6716 Glick Road and you may try this in your GPS. However, if your final destination does not show you arriving at or just east of the intersection of Carnoustie and Glick, input the address 5176 Glick Road, Dublin, Ohio, 43017 or click to go to Google maps using this address. This will take you to the entrance to the pool parking lot.


From the West (Grizzell/Deer Run school or Manley Road): Go east to the intersection of Muirfield Drive and Glick Road. Continue straight east through the intersection. Travel approximately half a mile. Look for a crosswalk going across Glick Road and a yellow pedestrian crossing sign. You will see a street sign on the right hand side for Carnoustie Drive. Turn left into the parking pool parking lot. If you get to an intersection with a Walgreens, you went too far on Glick.

From the South: : From the Brand Road/Muirfield Drive roundabout, travel north on Muirfield Drive to the intersection of Muirfield Drive and Glick Road. Take a right at the light onto Glick Road (going east). Travel approximately half a mile. Look for a crosswalk going across Glick Road and a yellow pedestrian crossing sign. You will see a street sign on the right hand side for Carnoustie Drive. Turn left into the parking pool parking lot. If you get to an intersection with a Walgreens, you went too far on Glick.

From the East: Cross the O'Shaughnessy Reservoir on Glick Road. From the intersection of Glick Road and Dublin Road, continue west on Glick Road. Travel about a half mile. Look for a playground on the right hand side, and look for a crosswalk going across Glick Road. You will see a street sign on the left hand side for Carnoustie Drive. Turn right into the parking pool parking lot. If you get to an intersection another traffic light, you went too far.

From the North: Directions will depend on which way you enter Muirfield. Choose an option below.

If you approach Muirfield using Concord Road, turn left (east) onto Glick Road. Travel approximately half a mile. Look for a crosswalk going across Glick Road and a yellow pedestrian crossing sign. You will see a street sign on the right hand side for Carnoustie Drive. Turn left into the parking pool parking lot. If you get to an intersection with a Walgreens, you went too far on Glick.

If you approach Muirfield on Dublin-Prospect Road, turn right (west) onto Glick Road. Travel about a half mile. Look for a playground on the right hand side, and look for a crosswalk going across Glick Road. You will see a street sign on the left hand side for Carnoustie Drive. Turn right into the parking pool parking lot. If you get to an intersection another traffic light, you went too far.