Home Page :: Design Review :: Trampoline Guidelines and Application


When to use these guidelines and application: use to place a trampoline on the property.

After reading the guidelines below, download and submit the application, which includes a list of information and materials to submit:

Trampoline Application


This guide sheet is designed to assist you in preparing to submit an application to the Muirfield Design Control Committee. These guidelines are in accordance with the Muirfield Design Standards. Written approval from the Muirfield Design Control Committee must be obtained prior to installing a trampoline. To obtain approval:

  1. Submit 2 complete applications including applicable photos, brochures and samples prior to starting the project
  2. Provide a site plan of property showing the footprint of house on property, no-build lines, property lines, easements, etc. The trampoline must be located within the buildable area of the property On site plan, show location of the trampoline Indicate dimensions of trampoline and distance from property lines Indicate all existing trees and landscaping Indicate tall landscape elements added to screen the unit from neighboring and street views
  3. Trampoline equipment must be located at least 10’ from any neighboring property lines. The committee suggests that the unit be located close to the home and away from open views to be as unobtrusive as possible. A possible alternative is to bury the trampoline into a pit so the main body is at ground level
  4. Provide several photos of the area where the trampoline will be located
  5. If upright poles and netting are installed, they must be kept taut and in good condition at all times
  6. A Hold Harmless Agreement must be signed and on file at the Association office before approval is granted (it is attached to the application)
  7. Trampoline approval is on a case-by-case basis
  8. Provide design review fee payment of $20.00.

Trampolines require written approval of the MDCC prior to installing it, so planning is important. Approval is based on a case-by-case basis. As part of the approval process, a Hold Harmless Agreement must be signed and on file at the Association office before installation. The MDCC will require that plantings selected to screen the trampoline be large enough and tall enough to screen the unit from street and neighboring views. A list of the type, size and location of plantings will be required as part of the trampoline application submission. Trampoline equipment must be located at least 10’ from neighboring lot lines.

An in-ground trampoline may be an option to consider. Not only is it safer, it's easy to screen because it's low to the ground. In this case, consider adding a low seat wall around the trampoline. A row of hedges also works well as a screen. Some type of drainage pipe must be buried underneath it leading to an outflow basin to prevent the hole beneath the trampoline from filling with water when it rains.

What to Include with this Application

To avoid delays and to prevent the application from being tabled, please ensure the application is filled out completely and include two copies of the application and two each of all relevant materials (samples, photos, drawings, site maps, brochures, etc.) plus the design review fee. One copy will be returned to the submitter. Include the following:

If you have any questions, please contact the Association office, 614-889-0922.

 Helpful Design Review Links:
Design Review Policy
Submitting a Design Request
Muirfield Property Handbook
Declaration (Warranty Deed)
Muirfield Calendar