
Home Page :: Design Review :: Grading Change Guidelines and Application


When to use these guidelines and application: use to make any grading changes to the yard and/or landscaping.

After reading the guidelines below, download and submit the application, which includes a list of information and materials to submit:

Grading Change Application


The Association recommends consulting the master grading plan on file at the City of Dublin before making any grading changes.

Grading for any project must not cause the natural flow of rain water or any other type of drainage to pool onto neighboring properties. The natural flow of surface water from or through a lot via swales or drainage systems cannot be altered.

French drains, dry-creek beds, water retention ponds, ditches, swales or any other type of drainage or grading issue will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

What to Include with this Application

To avoid delays and to prevent the application from being tabled, please ensure the application is filled out completely and include two copies of the application and two each of all relevant materials (samples, photos, drawings, site maps, brochures, etc.) plus the design review fee. One copy will be returned to the submitter. Include the following:

If you have any questions, please contact the Association office, 614-889-0922.

 Helpful Design Review Links:
Design Review Policy
Submitting a Design Request
Muirfield Property Handbook
Declaration (Warranty Deed)
Muirfield Calendar